Eine perfekte Saison lieferte Taddy B. beim EnduroCross 2011 in Amerika!

Der letzte Lauf fand in Las Vegas statt und hier ein Video mit den Highlights:
[vsw id=“bG4WTbATUis“ source=“youtube“ width=“600″ height=“400″ autoplay=“no“]
Taddy: ‘Winning the final two main events of the championship is the perfect way to end the series.
It’s been an amazing championship and to get my third Endurocross #1 plate is just great – I have
to say a massive thank you to everyone that’s been involved in my championship success. I kept
working hard coming into this race so I felt pretty confident, but the track was tight and I knew the
racing was going to be close. Thankfully, everything went pretty much perfectly. I got two great
starts, didn’t make any mistakes, and managed to complete a perfect season of eight main event
wins. I’m so pleased that I’ve been able to win the championship, it’s been one hell of a year and
to get another AMA title is just fantastic. I head straight back to Europe now for the opening race
of the SuperEnduro World Championship this coming weekend, which I’m really looking forward to.’
Das nächste Highlight für Taddy ist am kommenden Wochenende, 26.11.2011, in Genua / Italien.
Dort findet der erste Lauf zur FIM SuperEnduro Serie statt.